Physical Science Syllabus
8th Grade Physical Science Course Syllabus
Blue Team - Room 815
Miss Lutzkanin
Phone: 717-566-5310
Textbook: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Series (2009)
Course Description: This physical science class is designed to explore the concepts related to the scientific method, problem solving and scientific thinking as well as introduce students to physics and chemistry in order to prepare them for the science classes they will be taking in the high school. We will also be preparing for the 8th grade science PSSA which students will be taking in April. It will be a fun and exciting course with many hands-on labs and group activities to help reinforce the concepts being taught throughout the year!
Unit Topics:
- The Nature of Science
- Laboratory Safety
- The Scientific Method
- Experimental Design
- Metrics
- Measurement
- Graphing
- Introductory Physics
- Motion
- Forces
- Simple Machines
- Energy
- Introductory Chemistry
- Matter
- Atomic Structure
- The Periodic Table of Elements
- Chemical Interactions
Course Materials: All students will be expected to bring the following materials to class each day.
- Notebook/Folder – a 3 ring binder is recommended **Notebooks will NOT be graded.
- Laptop – make sure it is charged!
- Pencils – must be used on all assignments unless other instructions are given
- Earbuds/Headphones – not required, but assignments will be completed on the computer and they may be helpful
- Optional: Rulers, scissors, calculators, etc. will be supplied and shared by students - you may choose to bring your own if you prefer not to share
Grading: The grades for this class are based on a total points scale. Although point values will vary, student grades will be comprised of the following components:
- Tests – 60%
- Labs/Projects – 25%
- Homework – 7% (see below for policy)
- Quizzes – 7%
- Bell Work – 1% (question completed at the beginning of class each day)
Homework Policy:
- Homework assignments are a chance to review skills learned in class and prepare you for the next day’s lesson. Assignments should take no more than 20 minutes.
- Homework assignments will typically be posted and completed on Canvas.
- Homework on Canvas will be due by 11:59 pm on the day they were assigned. Other assignments (not on the computer) will be due at the beginning of class the following day.
- Most homework assignments will be awarded completion points (usually 5 points)
- Late homework assignments will receive 3 points (instead of 5).
Late Assignments:
- Any missing assignments will be given a “0” grade and marked “missing” in PowerSchool until turned in.
- Students will lose 10% for each day a lab/project is late. Students will not lose more than 50% for turning in an assignment late.
- Any missing assignment not handed in by the end of the marking period will result in a score of zero for that assignment. Students will be reminded multiple times regarding their missing work.
Test Corrections: Students will be given the choice to complete test/quiz corrections to earn half credit back on incorrect answers on most assessments. Students will need to complete a quiz/test correction sheet located in the front of the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to complete quiz/test corrections and turn them in by the date designated by the teacher. Miss Lutzkanin is always happy to help you complete these so you can learn from your mistakes!
Class Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to find out what they missed during an absence. Students should complete the following steps in order to find out what they missed during their absence:
- Check today’s lesson on Canvas – all materials will be posted for the day.
- Check the absent bin in the front of the classroom for any missed papers.
- Check PowerSchool for any assignments not turned in (marked with a 0). See Miss Lutzkanin about any make-up tests/quizzes/labs.
All missed assignments should be made up and turned in according to the school policy; for each day absent, you have a day to make up your work. (Example: 2 days absent = 2 days to make up work) All assignments should be made up unless Miss Lutzkanin says otherwise!
If you need help with any concepts or assignments throughout the school year, please do not hesitate to ask! I am available for help during homeroom and 11th period.
Class Expectations:
- Come to class prepared with all of your materials: notebook, pencil, homework, planner, laptop, textbook (when necessary)
- Be respectful, cooperative and polite to your teacher and peers. Disrespect and bullying will not be tolerated!
- Follow ALL directions and procedures carefully. Do not touch any materials throughout the classroom unless instructed to do so by the teacher. Failure to follow directions, especially when completing labs, will result in the student’s removal from the activity and an alternate assignment will be assigned.
- Follow all school guidelines and regulations as found in the student handbook.
Middle School Cell Phone Policy:
- Students are not permitted to have their cell phones out or use their cell phones during the school day at LDMS. This includes smart watches that are used for purposes other than telling time. The only exception to this is if the teacher gives direct permission to the class/student for an educational purpose or need in the classroom. Students who violate this are subject to discipline action under the Cell Phone procedures stated in the Parent-Student Handbook.
Consequences for Misbehavior:
- 1st Offense: Verbal Warning
- 2nd Offense: Lunch Detention; Conference with Teacher
- 3rd Offense: Office Notified; Parent Contacted
- Positive note/phone call home
- Candy/Prizes/Class Rewards
**The teacher reserves the right to skip any of these steps or determine
an alternate consequence due to the severity of the misbehavior.