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Health Syllabus

6th Grade Health Syllabus
Instructors: Nic Amici, Jen Kastelic, Mike Masorti
Description: This class will provide students with knowledge in social, emotional, and mental health; growth and development; nutrition and fitness; conflict resolution; and tobacco, alcohol, drug and violence resistance education.  The physical, mental, and social dimensions of health needed for a balanced lifestyle will be discussed.  Students will be encouraged to work hard to obtain the knowledge and skills to be the best they can be.
Text:  Handouts, D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), Current Health magazine, Listen magazine
   1. To increase the awareness of and develop an appreciation for the inportance of good health.
   2. To develop an understanding of the importance of maintaining a balanced health triangle.
   3. To increase knowledge of short and long term benefits of physical fitness.
   4. To provide skills necessary to prevent "lifestyle" illness and disease.
   5. To develop the ability to practice and perform drug and violence resistance skills.
Major Topics:
  Conflict Resolution; stress and mental health; cardiovascular fitness; growth and development; tobacco, alcohol, drugs and violence resistance; family life education; AIDS education.
Course Requirements and Expectations:
   Completion of D.A.R.E. notebook, handouts kept in a notebook until the completion of semester.  Homework is expected to be done neatly and must be handed in on time.  Late work will be accepted with a deduction on credit value.  If a student continually fails to turn in homework, an after school detention will be assigned.  Parents willl be notified at least one day in advance and the form must be signed and returned to the teacher.  If the form is not returned with the signature of parent or guardian, the student will not be permitted to stay and the work will not be allowed to be made up.
Class Involvement:
   Active participation in class activities and class discussions can help students to clarify their own views, opinions, understandings and misunderstandings.  Students are required to make personal contributions to the class.
   Lecture, Discussions, a variety of audio-visual materials and transparencies, note taking, group work, projects, handouts and supplementary materials such as skits, collages, commercials, food diaries, current events, models and games.
Make-Up Policy:
   It is the students responsibility to find out what work has been missed when absent.  Check with the teacher the day you return to school concerning the material missed and how to make it up.
   Class participation and homework, projects, quizzes, and exams.  Quizzes are administered periodically during the unit of study.  Exams are administered and the end of each unit.