Student Projects Vault 2011- 2017
Central Pennsylvania Town in 1830 Project
Students will build individual structures to make a model of a typical Central Pennsylvanian Town in 1830.
Revolutionary War Inn & Tavern Sign Project
Create a Tavern sign named after a famous individual, groups, places, or battles in the Revolutionary War. Include five elements from the war associated with your person or group. Include an authentic menu with five items named after people, groups, places or battles associated with either the Patriot or Loyalist cause.
Early American Culture Project
Purpose of Lesson: To recreate an artifact from Early America (i.e. a model), play a piece of music, make a painting in the style of Early American Artist, or cook an item eaten by Early Americans.
The Winner Nessa f (Town), Sebastian S. (Canon) Greyson P. (Valley Forge), Stewart N (Cabin)
Angelina S (Rag Doll), Emily K (Bridge)
Native American Project
Purpose of Lesson: To recreate Native American artifacts from the six cultural areas of North American Indians. The six cultural areas on North American Indians are Eastern Woodland, Plains Indians, Southwest, Pacific Northwest, Arctic, and the ancient civilization Mississippian.