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American History: Early Years Until 1877
Mr. Fuhrman


1.      American History, the early years to 1877

2.      A History of US, From Colonies to Country (1735-1791)

3.      A History of US, The New Nation (1789-1850)

4.      A History of US, War, Terrible War (1855-1865)

Course Description

This course will take students on a journey through American history, beginning with exploration and concluding with the Civil War. Students will explore America’s social, political, economic and military development.

It is my hope that throughout the school year students will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of our nation’s proud history. Students will be exposed to the struggles and successes of our people. Ultimately, students should come away from this class with a greater respect for The United States of America and the many diverse individuals and groups that have contributed to our country’s past, present and future.

Units of Study

    Unit I: Native Americans\ European Exploration 

    Unit II: Colonial Settlement (1587-1775)

    Unit III: Revolutionary War (1776-1783)

    Unit IV: Growth of Democracy (1776-1791)

    Unit V: Early Republic (1789-1830)

    Unit VI: Western Expansion (1820-1860)

    Unit VII: Civil War (1860-1865)


Grading Policy

Grades will be based on tests, quizzes, projects, JOTs (journal of thinking), class work and homework. Absentee students will receive a reasonable amount of time to complete work. The grading scale will be:

A= 90-100%                                                 D= 60-69%

B= 80-89%                                                    F= 0-59%          

C= 70-79%


Class Rules

1.  Be on time and in your seats when the bell rings.

2.  Remain in your seat until the bell rings. You need permission to leave desk.

3.  All class work must be handed in during your class period.

4.  We will practice good habits of work completion during marking period #1. During marking period’s #2-4, work turned in two days late will be eligible for 75% credit, and work turned in three or more days late will receive 50% credit

5.  If you are absent it is your responsibility to see Mr. Fuhrman for the work.

6.  JOTs must be completed even if you are absent.

7.  Have all the materials for class you will need: Pencil and Notebooks

8.  Respect yourself and each other.

9.  Any food, beverage, or gum is not prepared in Mr. Fuhrman's room.

10.  All school rules apply.


If you choose not to follow any of the above rules, the following procedure will be followed: (This procedure maybe changed at the discretion of the teacher)

First Incident: Verbal warning by teacher

Second Incident: Talk with teacher after class.

Third Incident: Possible removal from seat for writing assignment, lunch detention and\or notification of parents!

Fourth Incident: Referral to Dean of Students