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7th/8th Orchestra Course Syllabus

7th/8th Grade String Orchestra

Course Syllabus

Mrs. Melody Lynn Cliff, Instructor

Break the barriers of IEPs and test scores to bring music to the ... 


Welcome to LDMS Hybrid Orchestra! I am excited to make music together again in a fresh way. Playing an instrument this year will be FUN and DO-ABLE! My plan is centered on safety, flexibility, empathy, and of course, love for music! Studies show that playing an instrument supports self-awareness, self-efficacy, and perseverance. Orchestra is a unique platform for the social-emotional learning that students need!

11th Period Orchestra will be held on stage. Students will wear masks and be spread out as much as possible. We will have a blast making music TOGETHER as a big group! Here is the schedule:

7/8th grade A-K will have orchestra every Monday
7/8th grade L-Z will have orchestra every Tuesday

Lessons- With limited time in school, lessons will look different. I will have a weekly sign-up for in-person lessons, but also plan to offer Zoom lessons on Fridays for students who cannot miss class. Additionally, students can submit short videos through Canvas or Flipgrid and receive individual feedback on their playing that way. These submissions would take the place of a traditional lesson. We will continue to use the “Sound Innovations” book from last year.

For students who choose the fully virtual option that LD is offering, we will use Canvas, SmartMusic, Flipgrid, and Zoom lessons to learn the same repertoire and skill-building exercises. In this way, if/when conditions improve and we CAN gather again, we’ll be on the same page. Students at home will NOT join 11th period Orchestra on Zoom due to technology limitations on stage.

 Performances are scheduled as follows (and will likely be live-streamed or recorded): 

  • 7th/8th Grade Orchestra Winter Concert:  Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 7pm in the High School Auditorium
  • 7th/8th Grade Orchestra Spring Concert:  Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 at 7pm in the High School Auditorium

The 6th grade string orchestra is a course that is graded and counts towards the honor roll. Students are not graded on their practice time, but should put in the time needed for them to accomplish the skills covered in lessons and orchestra. This year, more than ever, students will be graded very generously. Recognizing the widespread and diverse effects of the pandemic, my #1 goal is really to keep them playing and make music a therapeutic part of their day!

There is a drop period during the first 3 weeks of school in which your child is permitted to drop orchestra. After the deadline (Sept. 18), students are NOT permitted to drop until the completion of the fourth quarter. Orchestra IS a commitment and we all rely on each other to help make the group successful. Drops must be done in writing, with a signed note by a parent by the deadline.

Contacting Mrs. Cliff and being kept up-to-date:
The best way to get in touch with me is to email I can usually respond to an email within 24 hours. If you would like to be kept up to date on upcoming performances and happenings with the orchestra, please print your email at the bottom of this form. Newsletters and upcoming events are the only things that you will receive via email from me.

Please complete this brief Google form, which will serve as your electronic signature for the syllabus.

Best wishes for a smooth transition back to school and a great year of music-making!