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Rules for the French Classroom

Rules for the French Classroom
  1. Arrive to class on time.
  2. When you arrive, get ready for class by opening your text to the previous lesson, organize your folder, and take out a pencil.
  3. Bring your textbook to class each day.
  4. No gum chewing in class since it inhibits the proper pronunciation of French.  Please throw it in the trash before you arrive.
  5. No cell phone or text messaging during class. All devices must be put away before you enter the room.
  6. No calling out in class. Please raise your hand to participate during the lesson.
  7. Please do not make disrespectful comments to other students or teacher. Bullying will not be tolerated.
  8. On homework papers, the heading must be written in French as indicated on the direction page given the first week of school. The date and assignment must be written correctly in French.
  9. Homework is due when assigned. If a homework assignment is missed points will be taken off. If the homework is made up within that week partial credit can be earned. Homework will be assigned and checked daily.
  10. Good behavior is expected at all times.
  11. If you are absent, please see me before or after class to check on your missed work. Missed work is due in a timely manner.
  12. Please express common courtesies and requests in French class such as "thank you, you're welcome, please", etc. during class. You should have a copy of these in the front of your notebook folder.