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What does Mrs. Levis expect?

Expectations image
What do I expect? 
I expect the East Team rules to be followed throughout the year:
     1. Be prepared for daily activities.
     2. Respect the people and property around you.
     3. Listen to and follow directions.
     4. Use an appropriate voice level at all times.
     5. Follow the school rules.

However, recently I found something more appropriate for you as you are no longer elementary students; they are connected to our social studies curriculum. I will refer to the following Rights and Obligations (Responsibilities) during class and hope you will appreciate the mature language:

You have the right to ask questions.
You have the right to make a contribution to an attentive, responsive audience.
You have the right to be treated respectfully.
You have the right to have your ideas discussed, not you.

Obligations (Responsibilities)*
You are obligated to speak loudly enough for others to hear.
You are obligated to listen to others in order to understand.
You are obligated to agree or disagree with the speaker's comments and explain why.

         * Taken from Chapin, S.H. (1998-2002). Project Challenge: Identifying and developing talent in mathematics within low-income urban schools. (Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act Grant No. R206A980001). Washington, DC: US Department of Education.


THINK image

Our school district has adopted two acronyms to help us monitor our behavior.

 THINK before speaking:
   T- Is it TRUE?
   H- Is it HELPFUL?
   I- Is it INSPIRING?
   N- Is it NECESSARY?
   K- Is it KIND?
SHARE when observing interactions:
   S- SIZE up the problem.
   H- HELP yourself and others.
   A- ASSERT yourself.
   R- REPORT responsibly.
   E- EMPOWER yourself and others.
I believe all students in the classroom should be respectful, responsible and prepared to learn. All of you should feel comfortable asking questions, participating in class discussions, and learning from one another. I will do my best to lead by example, but I expect you to follow my lead.
consequences image
What can you expect when rules are broken? 
I know we all have bad days. Typically, when a rule is broken, a verbal or non-verbal warning is given.
If the behavior rule continues to be broken, I will ask you to speak with me after class.
Continuing to break the rule will result in lunch detention.
Continuing to be disrespectful and disruptive in the classroom will result in being referred to the principal's office.
Please note:  A parent contact may be made at any time.