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Hola amigos

Señora Masorti

Exploratory Spanish and Spanish I

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish class!  My name is Anne Masorti and I am so excited to have the opportunity to teach you about the Spanish language and culture. I teach two 7th grade Exploratory Spanish classes and four 8th grade high school level Spanish I classes at Lower Dauphin Middle School. The 2020-2021 school year marks my 24th year teaching at Lower Dauphin. Originally from Oley, PA, I graduated from Lock Haven University and studied abroad at La Universidad Nacional in Heredia, Costa Rica. I have a Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Penn State University and am currently working towards a Master of Education degree in Learning, Design, and Technology through Penn State World Campus. In addition to teaching I help coach both the LDMS Cross Country and Track and Field teams.  

Back to School 2020-2021 - Wednesday, August 26 

Due to Covid restrictions, back-to-school open house night will be using a virtual platform this year. Please take a moment and allow me to introduce myself and our Spanish courses to you in the videos below. The first video contains general information regarding all Spanish classes. The next two videos present information specific to which level of Spanish you will be taking this year. Exploratory Spanish students and their families will want to watch the video with the purple background and those students who are enrolled in Spanish I will want the information from the video with the dark blue background. 

I will be available to answer questions via email from 6:30-8:30 pm on Wednesday, August 26th at