Overview & Goals
Hi Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the LDMS one-to-one laptop section of the website. We hope this section will allow you to quickly access information about the one-to-one laptop initiative and the important role that technology plays in the 21st Century classroom.
"One-to-One" means that every student at LDMS will have a laptop assigned to them to use. All students will be given a charger so they can take their laptops home every night. You can find more information in the One-to-One Laptop Guidebook. As always, if you still have questions or would like more information, please contact a teacher, guidance counselor, or administrator.
For all students to be successful, it is our commitment to provide customized educational opportunities and quality instruction that promote creativity, collaboration and problem solving in a safe, supportive environment. Our graduates will take their place in a global society as productive and responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
Lower Dauphin Middle School is preparing our students to live and work in a 21st Century world by providing students and teachers with the technology tools and skills necessary to integrate technology into daily instructional practices and to enhance customized student learning.
Goals and Objectives
Lower Dauphin Middle School’s One-to-One computer initiative will integrate technology in the classroom to:
- Promote student engagement and enthusiasm for learning.
- Increase resources for learning.
- Expand self-paced student learning opportunities.
- Provide students access to information and the opportunity to connect it to curriculum in a meaningful manner.
- Engage students in authentic real-world learning.
- Encourage communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
- Nurture a sense of responsibility and 21st century digital citizenship.