Powerschool & Canvas Help
Canvas Overview Video (A video that shows you how to navigate Canvas, the dashboard viewing options, how to access and submit assignments, where to set notifications, and where to view to do items and recent feedback)
Canvas Video for LDMS Students and Parents (An LDMS specific video with tips for students and families on where to find online learning activities in Canvas, how to use the to do list and calendar, and how to figure out which assignments have already been submitted and which still need to be completed)
Parent Observer Account Registration and Student Pairing Guide (A step by step guide for parents on how to create a parent Canvas account)
Parent Observer Account Registration and Student Pairing Video (A step by step video for parents on how to create a parent Canvas account)
How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as a student? (A guide that walks students through setting up Canvas notifications to their school email, personal email, or via push notifications to their phone)
Link to Canvas student guides (A comprehensive list of student how-to's for Canvas)