School Nurse
Welcome to Lower Dauphin Middle School. My name is Mrs. Heidi Fellenbaum, RN, and I am the Certified School Nurse for the middle school. I graduated from Eastern Mennonite College with a BSN and received my School Nurse Certification and Masters degree through Eastern University. I started my nursing career at The Hershey Medical Center and worked there for 10 years before staying home with our children. I joined the Lower Dauphin family in 2016 by working as a health room nurse at Londonderry Elementary School before transferring to the middle school in 2020. I currently live in Hershey, PA.
You can reach me in several ways:
1. Call my Desk Phone at (717) 566-5349. I have voice mail if you call after school hours or if I am busy helping another student or staff member. I make every effort to return phone call messages in a timely manner.
2. Email me at You can also scan and email important papers using this email address. I will confirm receipt of papers back to your email.
3. Fax important papers to our main office - attention Mrs. Fellenbaum, RN at (717) 566-5383.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.